European Languages Day

September 27, 2018

A wide variety of activities was organised for students in Colaiste Clavin as part of European Languages Day on Wednesday the 26th September.

A Table Quiz was organised for First Year students in Colaiste Clavin in addition to a 2nd Year Poster Competition and a survey to highlight the importance of European languages being taught and spoken by members of the School community.

Ms Murray and Ms Darii would like to thank the Fifth Year and Sixth Year students who were involved in the running of the quiz on the day.

The winning teams from the First Year Table Quiz European Languages Day are as follows;

1st year Table Quiz winners:

1st Place: Country: Germany: Shaun Burke, Patrick McEIhinney, Senan McCooey and Patryk Swierzewski

2nd Place: Country: Montenegro: Thomas Dorran, Adam Peacock, John Doyle and Dylan Callaghan-Smyth



Well done to the winners of the 2nd Year Poster Competition run to celebrate and promote European Languages Day on Wednesday the 26th of September.

Pictures here are the winners from the 2nd Year Spanish and French classes with their teachers Ms Darii and Ms Murray and the Principal Ms Deegan.

Spanish Students pictured below;

1st Place: Louise Finnegan (left) 2nd Place: Natasha Daquil (right) amd 3rd Place: Gemma Shen (centre)




French students with the Principal Ms Deegan: 

1st Place: Katie Black (second from the right)

2nd Place: Leyre Osma Barthome (centre)

3rd Place: Joint Winners -Sarah Palmer Fox (Left) and Evan Howell (Right)



Well done to all students that participated in the Poster Competition!