Home School Liasion Scheme
At Coláiste Clavin, we have a Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) Scheme. The HSCL scheme builds vital links between the school and the home and we strive to support parents in their role as the primary educators of their child(ren).
The HSCL Coordinator is Orla Calvey and she can be contacted during school hours by Parents/Guardians on the school number 046 95 55018 or on 087 778 1958 for advice and support (please note: mobile phone coverage in the school is very poor and as a result she may be unreachable at certain times on the mobile number).
She runs free courses and information talks for Parents. She is also available for Home Visits if you would like to discuss a matter in the privacy and comfort of your own home.
HSCL Parent Courses & Events: September-December 2017
Settling into Secondary School
A group of First Year Parents attended a 3 week course recently in the school. The course was called “Settling into Secondary School” and Parents were given ideas around helping their son/daughter to settle into the school. Other topics covered were motivation, study skills and reading styles.
Helping Your Child Learn/Dyslexia Workshop
A group of Parents attended workshops over the course of 3 weeks aimed at giving parents ideas for helping their child in school.
Coffee Mornings/Tour of the School
Coffee mornings and a tour of the new school building was organised for 1st, 2nd, 5th & 6th year parents recently. It is planned to have a coffee morning and tour of the school for 3rd year parents in the New Year.
Third Level College Trip
A group of Parents went on a trip to the DIT campus in Grangegorman on 16th November. They got information on third level access programmes in College and received advice around how to support their child’s career decision making process. They then had a brief tour of the campus. The new campus at Grangegorman is in the process of being built and by approximately 2021, all DIT campuses will have transferred to the site there.
Understanding Youth Mental Health Talks for Parents
A talk on youth mental health, facilitated by Jigsaw, was run in the school on 2 dates; one during the school day and the other in the evening time. Parents heard advice and information regarding their child’s mental health and general wellbeing.
HSCL courses which we hope to run January-May 2018
- Maths for Parents Course-tips and ideas around helping your child with their school work and homework in Maths (this course is due to start Thursday 18th January at 9.30a.m.)
- Mindfulness & Personal Development (date to be confirmed)
- Helping Your Child Build Their Confidence (date to be confirmed)
- Stress Management & Mental Wellbeing (date to be confirmed)
- Healthy Eating on a Budget/Cook It Course (it may be possible to run this in the evening time) (date to be confirmed)
- Fitness & Healthy Body/Lifestyle (date to be confirmed)
All courses are FREE and take place in the school generally during school hours. Some are beginning in January/February 2018.
Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) News: January to May 2016
Parent Courses that ran
1. Internet Safety & Use of iPads
In January & February, a group of Parents attended a 5 week IT course using ipads. While learning how to use an ipad, they also gained information on how to monitor their child’s use of the internet and they got tips on how to keep their child safe online.
2. Creative Writing Workshop
A group of Parents attended a 2 day workshop on Creative Writing Skills. This course gave them an insight into the type of skills their son/daughter need for the new Junior Cycle English course and key skills needed for their child’s learning in general.
3. Maths Course for Parents
Following on from the very successful Maths for Parents course before Christmas, a group Parents attended a 5 week Maths course in March and April. This course provided them with an insight into the Maths their child is learning in school. Parents were given information on some good maths resources and websites which can help their child with their Maths.
4. Preparing Your Child for Second Level
Parents of incoming First Year Students are beginning a 3 week course on May 12th, 19th and 26th. The course is called “Preparing your Child for Second Level” and Parents will be provided with information and advice on how to better support their child’s move to second level education.
HSCL Links with the Community
Gardening Project…CSPE Students/Parents/Lusk Gardening Centre
1A CSPE students along with their Teacher, Ms. O’Donnell are undertaking a “Grow your Own Vegetables” project. A number of their Parents have volunteered to help out with this project. On Thursday 14th April, interested Parents came into the school for an Information Coffee Morning. Ms. O’Donnell met with them and outlined what the students were planning to do. Afterwards the Parents were invited into their children’s CSPE class where they heard presentations from the students on the gardening project. On Monday 25th April, Parents and Students began the task of planting fruit and vegetable plants outdoors. We were delighted to have Gary Lusk from Lusk Gardening Centre, Killyon come along on the day to talk to the Parents and the Students. He gave them tips on planting their crops and showed them some demonstrations on planting. This project will continue until the end of the school year. It is hoped that we will do a gardening project on a bigger scale when we move into the new school. It is hoped to have a “Grow Your Own” course for Parents in 2016/17. Keep an eye on the HSCL section of the website for information on this.
Green Schools/Longwood Tidy Towns
On Monday 18th April, Betty Dixon, Chairperson of Longwood Tidy Towns came into the school to meet the Green Schools’ Committee. The students on the committee told her about some of the work that they have done in getting green flags for the school. Betty then talked to the committee about the work that the Tidy Towns is involved in at the moment. It is hoped to further develop this link between the Green Schools’ Committee and Longwood Tidy Towns in 2016/17.
Meath Partnership Pilot Project
The school is involved in a new project with Meath Partnership/Department of Social Inclusion. Nine of our 6th year students are taking part in this career mentoring programme facilitated by Meath Partnership. It aims to support 6th year student in gaining employment or progressing onto further education.
Jigsaw Training for Students
The school is involved in the Meath Jigsaw Project and we have recently set up a Jigsaw Mental Health Team. Staff, Student and Parent representation are on the Health Team. Jigsaw is an initiative which strives to promote positive mental health in schools and in young people. Students will be actively involved in this project. Recently, six students from 2nd, 3rd and 5th year attended training in the Jigsaw Offices in Navan on promoting positive mental health in our school.
Parent Courses & Events September-December 2015
“Maths for Secondary School” (Part 1)
Sixteen Parents recently completed a 6 week Maths for Parents Course. They learned more about some of the Maths topics, such as Algebra, Fractions, Percentages and Measurement, which their children are studying in School, They got ideas also, about how Maths can be made more exciting and practical at home. The Principal, Mr. Stack presented the successful participants with certificates of completion! He complemented the Parents for having taken the time out to come into the school and learn about ways to help their child with Maths.

“Settling into Secondary School”
A group of First Year Parents attended a 4 week course recently in the school. The course was called “Settling into Secondary School” and Parents were given ideas around helping their son/daughter to settle into the school. Other topics covered were motivation, study skills and reading styles.“Brush up on your Irish!”
A group of Parents have just completed a 4 week Irish course for Parents. The aim of this course was to help Parents “brush up on their Irish” so that they can help their children with their Irish. Information Talks 6th Year Parents attended a talk in the school recently. They were given information on Leaving Cert Subjects, CAO, Student Fees, Grants and HEAR/DARE.Third Level College Trip

- To maximise the participation of the children in the learning process, in particular those who might be at risk of failure.
- To promote active co-operation between home, school and relevant community agencies in promoting the educational interests of the children.
- To raise awareness in parents of their own capacities to enhance their children's educational progress and to assist them in developing relevant skills.
- To enhance the children's uptake from education, their retention in the educational system, their continuation to post-compulsory education and to third level and their attitudes to life-long learning.
- To disseminate the positive outcomes of the scheme throughout the school system generally.
- Parenting Website
- Parenting Programmes
- Solution Talk
- Adolescent Health Centre Support Site - No Link
- National Health Centre for Youth Mental Health
- Reachout
- Support Re: Eating disorders & issues around body image
- Aware
- DIT Access Sevice - No Link
- JIGSAW - No Link
- Hear & Dare Scheme
- 3rd Level Grants