Parents Association Committee

Welcome to the Parents Association section of the website! The purpose of the Parents
Association Committee (PAC) is to give parents an opportunity to voice their opinions &
ideas on the very important subject of education for their children. By co-operating with the
Board of Management & Principal we can all work together to enrich our child’s/children’s
educational experience.
Parents who are active in Parents Associations show their children that they are not only
interested in their academic progress at school but, also in their development as well.
Parents will know more about the school, the teachers & extra curricular activities that are
taking place.
Although we have a wonderful, active committee it would be fantastic to see more parents
coming on board. We would love to see each year group represented at our meetings.
These take place either in person or online and there are approximately 4-5 meetings every
school year.
Our current Chairperson is Sarah Madden and Secretary is Oliver Nicholson.
If you would like to become more involved please email [email protected]
with your contact details and we will be in touch. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you!
Please note our email is solely used to express your interest in joining Coláiste Clavin PAC it is not a
forum for complaints etc.