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Student Mentors

August 11, 2015


Mentors play a valuable role in creating a positive school spirit here in Coláiste Clavin. 26 5th years were trained up as mentors at the end of August. The 5th year mentors have been very busy this term supporting 1st years to settle into life in Coláiste Clavin. Each of the five 1st year classes were given a team of mentors, and on the 1st day of school for 1st years they helped 1st year students with their timetables, showed them around the school, helped them with their transition workbooks, facilitated a range of ice breakers and team building games and answered any questions that 1st years had. Mentors have linked in with 1st years on a weekly basis since, continuing to organise team building games and a football tournament. Mentors meet First Year students on a formal and informal basis throughout the year, providing support and guidance.  Mentors also benefit as they develop their communication, listening and organisational skills, as well as having lots of fun. 


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